Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cherished dreams essays

Cherished dreams essays Generally, insecure and passive people feel an inner turmoil coming from a lack of direction as to where they are going, what their goals are and what responses are appropriate for events in life. In addition, they are often fearful of standing up for what they believe, have difficulties in establishing long-lasting relationships and tend to be over controlled emotionally, not letting others in on their emotions. These behaviours are often seen in people who are raised in a chaotic, unpredictable or volatile environment in which they are kept off balance. However, when they finally find a direction or a goal to follow, all their insecurity and passivity is left aside. Probably, for the first time in their lives they stop feeling scared and confused and they finally stand up for what they believe. This seems to be the case of Ezra Tull, one of the main characters of Anne Tylers book Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. Ezra experienced a difficult childhood due to an absent father and an abusive and domineering mother. As a result, he became an insecure and rather passive young man. Nevertheless, he unwaveringly pursued his dreams of owning and shaping the restaurant according to his personal style and of keeping his family together. It must be acknowledged that Ezra spent most of his life feeling insecure and in resigned acceptance of everything that happened to him. As a child, he would never try to defend himself when he was unfairly blamed for something he had not done. As an adult, he lost Ruth, the only woman he ever loved, to his brother and did absolutely nothing about it. Moreover, he had difficulties in establishing relationships with others. And he tended to be over-controlled emotionally, finding it hard to show his emotions and to open himself up to others. Certainly, it is clear that Ezras lack of confidence and zest became constant features of his personality that were expected to be seen in the ...

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